How it Works
For young people
Young people record all their physical activity online or via a mobile device

For organisations & schools
View and engage with real-time data to ensure all young people are developing a positive relationship with physical activity.

Benefits to Organisations

Benefits to

Benefits to
Young People

This is miMove
What if students are not truthful with their posts?
The vast majority are completely honest.
Stuart Fairclough is a world leading physical activity researcher. His work indicates that self-reported data provides robust data and is a perfectly valid way of monitoring young people’s physical activity.
Of all the young people using miMove, very few seem to fabricate or exaggerate their activity data. If they did, we would ask, why are they motivated to be dishonest? Are there prizes on offer? The young person has clearly not understood the purpose of miMove and so it would be worth emphasising the ‘mi’ (my) in the name. That data is theirs so they really are just lying to themself. Finally, if the data is being fabricated, there are probably bigger conversations about important life lessons to have around honesty and integrity.
Who pays for the app?
miMove is only available via a school (or other type of organisation like a sports club or a health promoter). It is not available to individuals. As such, it is ed-tech i.e. technology for educational purposes just like any other apps that are used in school. These are always paid for by the school. We do not recommend passing the costs on to parents.
How much does it cost?
Is there a discount if a group of schools purchase the app?
Yes, as long as they all come onboard at the same time.
What support is offered?
We pride ourselves on exceptional customer support. As teachers, we understand your world and the pressures you are under. To make things easier we have a comprehensive package of support. We have prepared everything you need in downloadable and editable formats e.g. letters to parents and slides for assembly etc. We also have a comprehensive manual supported by ‘how to’ videos. Furthermore, we offer induction and ongoing support at no charge as well as free consultation on any aspect of your PE programme e.g. curriculum design, assessment etc.
Who sees the data?
miMove is built to the highest spec when it comes to data protection and security. The data is only seen by the teachers who you give access to. If you are part of a cluster, the managers of this group will only see anonymized data. Full details can be found in our privacy policy and terms and conditions.
Do students need a mobile device to enter data?
No, miMove can be assessed online or via a mobile device
Why does the app not measure intensity?
If the goal of PE and youth sport is to ensure that all young people develop an activity habit, intensity is very much of secondary importance. An overemphasis on intensity before developing a very positive relationship with activity can be detrimental and serve to alienate many young people. Intensity is only relevant if you relate potential health benefits to physical activity. However, these are only a possibility once the young person learns to ‘belong’ in physical activity. Those that are most comfortable working at high intensity, are probably amongst the more motivated young people and are possibly amongst the most active too. If they chose to share intensity details, they can do so via the free text part of the app.
Why miMove and not wearable?
Research by Vicky Goodyear at the University of Birmingham suggests that wearable tech is great for your most active young people especially those who are into endurance sport or training. For everyone else, wearable can be either a nuisance or a turn off. Many young people report a sense of surveillance. We don’t feel comfortable with young people being ‘chipped’. As educators, we value the process of reflecting and reporting. miMove is built for young people and we draw upon sound educational principles rather than science, medicine or fitness.
Click here to see a summary of miMove v wearable tech.